

99,00 PLN

LEAN STRATEGY – Why people in GREAT companies can’t wait for MONDAYS 
No more pathologies in business. Find out what is destroying your company from the inside, why so few people like their work, how to conduct a strategic transformation of the company in 5 steps and how to create conditions in which everyone consciously realizes the mission, vision and goals of the organisation.

The book includes:
390+ pages of stories, anecdotes, inspiration, management technics;
2 parts / 10 chapters summerizing 15 years of lean experiments;
Dozens of example of transformation from various industries;
100+ drawings, tables, charts, illustrations;
Album with over 40 photos;
Lean strategy assessment and individual transformation plan for your companies;

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STRATEGIA LEAN - Dlaczego w WIELKICH firmach ludzie nie mogą doczekać się PONIEDZIAŁKÓW

Koniec z patologiami w biznesie. Dowiedz się, co od środka niszczy Twoją firmę, dlaczego tak niewiele osób lubi swoją pracę, jak w 5 krokach przeprowadzić transformację strategiczną firmy i jak stworzyć warunki, w których każdy świadomie realizuje misję, wizję i cele organizacji.

AUDIOBOOK zawiera:

Ponad 10h prawdziwych historii, anegdot, inspiracji, praktyk zarządzania;

2 części / 10 rozdziałów podsumowujących 15 lat eksperymentowania z lean;

Kilkadziesiąt przykładów transformacji z różnych branż;

Dodatkowy plik zawierający ponad 100 rysunków, tabel, wykresów, ilustracji;

Album zawierający ponad 40 zdjęć;




This book is not about lean. This book is about how to become LEAN. Lean strategy brings to a company a sense of existence, belonging, influence, trust and conscious leadership among its managers.

It strengthens the autonomy and responsibility of individual employees, and ultimately provides an everyday feeling of collaborative winning.

This is my strategic approach to lean. The book is dedicated to:

  • company owners, CEOs, manager who think of lean transformation as a serious undertaking and not an optimalization project conducted “off-the-cuff”;
  • team leaders, who want to learn about conscious leadership and how to build effective teams  as well as engageemployees;
  • everyone who wants to know, how to lay the foundations for a GREAT COMPANY and for PEOPLE TO BE HAPPY.

No more pathologies in business. Find out what is destroying your company from the inside, why so few people like their work, how to conduct a strategic transformation of the company in 5 steps and how to create conditions in which everyone consciously realizes the mission, vision and goals of the organisation.


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